For the Love of Snuggles!

Happy Valentine’s day!  Jason got sick so our romantic night of cooking dinner together at home, drinking our LAST bottle of wine from our honeymoon in Napa, was altered.  We still made our favorite indoor preparation of filet mignon from Ina Garten, mashed potatoes and veggies, and I picked up a sweet chocolate heart cake!  We went to bed around 9:30, it was good!   It’s been cold, snowing and generally hard to want to go outside.  We also don’t get much time with our little man during the week, so these weekends are oh so precious.  So, for the love of snuggles, here is a whole lotta LOVE!  We love this little guy SO SO SO much, look at his snugly happy face!

We take naps

We read… a LOT!


We snuggle more!

We tickle and giggle

…  and we are trying  to find more time to cook!

Actually we’ve been making some quick week night meals, and lots of Whole Chicken and then broth for soups like this one ( we blend it up for Knox too- he loves daddy’s soup!), we keep rice on hand and do stir frys, and PASTA